Super Kid

    Super Kid

    Super Kid

    jump jump fire fire puzzle puzzle battle battle action action car car cars cars mobile mobile fun fun kids kids cartoon cartoon frozen frozen girls girls shooter shooter shooting shooting

    game description

    The very name gives everything away. Young children of today, fond of handling all their handles, can participate in various fascinating educational games. To ensure that casual children can play without an adult's supervision, we provide an easy-to-use interface devoid of complicated menus offering different features, tools, and options.

    You will have more time when your children are occupied with their activities. Enter the password on the inside flap of the "Super Kids" journal you have purchased to gain FREE access to the full version of the Super Buddy Archer game publication. This programme includes 15 animations in addition to 30 games that are both informative and enjoyable.

    The two heroes, Ada and Tim, along with the adapt Leon, extend an invitation to the children to support them in their mission to save the ocean and the creatures that inhabit it and to defeat mobile Captain Cook, who transformed the dome of the Colosseum into a block of cheese and the iconic Eiffel Tower into a slice of pizza, the inventor who performs with the seasons, and the Rock beast who came to steal all of the instruments that play music on Earth.

    Release Date: 27 November 2021 , Platform: Web browser (Desktop and Mobile)

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